Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Windows 7 Tweaked Tests

so I tweaked windows 7 a little bit on my macbook, and got it down to where it only takes 400mb of ram idle. I disabled some services, removed some windows features, went to the "Classic skin." I have a page file of 3018mb.. etc..

I played the same games.

UT3 - 18 fps
Bioshock - 4 fps
Left 4 Dead - 23 fps

As you can see, with the comparison of my previous post, UT3 and Left 4 Dead both got slight boosts to FPS and Bioshock didn't have much of a change at all really.

Well that's it for my windows 7 tests, my sound has stopped working so I think the driver for the audio in boot camp may be malfunctioning. I'm thinking about trying win2k on this here macbook, but I am not certain how it'll run or if bootcamp will take to it. I'm leaning more towards just putting XP on the thing, because I really want to start playing some games I got recently. It's worth noting also, that I did further attempt to tweak both UT3 and L4D so it's possible that may be a part of why they performed better as well. in UT3 I reduced the FOV to 80 and in L4D I decided "Since i got more memorah, i'll add this memorah useage to high."
And I think it helped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you really do have too much time on your hands :p