Monday, January 21, 2008

Mass Effect and Fox News

Ok, I have to pick a fight here with this.

1. The Character in which your character gets to have digital sex with, is a hermaphrodite, not a woman or a man.
2. The latest study actually shows that the majority of gamers are age 30+ (and live in their basement with their mom)
3. This isn't "Luke Skywalker meets Debbie Does Dallas" like Keighly said, there's 30 seconds of half an alien boob and side as opposed to 30 hours+ gameplay. I'm telling you, if Debbie does dallas only had 30 seconds of sideboob, NOBODY would know what it was.
4. The Marker for the ESRB rating is ALWAYS on the FRONT COVER.
5. Atari? Bitch please! How old are you anyway, 50? Nice plastic Surgery.
6. I'm quite certain that the creators of Mass Effect will sleep well, knowing that a panty waste like you, who's too fucking ignorant to try to understand something, won't buy a single copy of their game.
7. Marketing to kids? Are you kidding me? can you name a place where you saw a Mass Effect Commercial? I can't! It doesn't seem like they're marketing at all.
8. If you don't watch your kids, if you don't raise your kids properly, that when you have disobedient little shits who would break open a cupboard to play your stupid game.

And I could rant all fucking day, this video is fucked up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya right kids are gonna kill people randomly just because they do it in a game
they should stop blaming games for their countrys fake problems
and i mean fake problems because most of them are just bogus rumours that have been exagerated to make people feel unsafe and buy crap that they want them to buy