Wednesday, May 30, 2007


So, I've been doing a little shopping on ebay. I figured paypal would bill my credit card, boy was I wrong.
Anyway, I came to be -37 dollars in my checking account. Sucks a bunch huh?
Now, the credit institution is coming after me for $107 dollars because apparently, they didn't get their cut via automatic payments.

On the upside, I had a very successful job interview with a bank today (not my bank), and hopefully by monday, I'll have myself a day job. :)

So, I'm having a very odd time with banks currently - hopefully I can get this job, and get my debt paid off in time.

In other news, Thursday I'll be looking for a new apartment with my fiance. Hopefully we'll be able to move in together. Anyway, if it's true that I move, look forward to less, and less of my posts. But I don't know, I'll have a couple jobs so I might have internets turned on. :)

1 comment:

Tom said...

Good luck on the job -- and yes, the PayPal account should be treated like a separate bank account. You can take money out of it and put money in it, but the money's gotta be there.

I never did figure out how you use VISA, etc. through PayPal. So I don't use it much.