Friday, November 28, 2008


so i made a new video website with

couple days ago i won some money
here's the profile

weclocks videos at wegame

Watch more video games and play free games at WeGame.

game list of 11/29/08

xbox 360
- halo 3
- guitar hero 3
- fallout 3
- pgr4
- dead rising
- jet set radio future
- silent hill 2
- rockband
- mass effect
- double dragon arcade
- portal: still alive
- duke nukem 3d
- castle crashers
- halo
- jade empire
- pacman
- pacman championship edition
- sonic 2
- poker smash
- bomberman live
- uno
- yaris
- undertow
- tmnt arcade
- doom
- geometry wars
- geometry wars 2
- hexic hd
- rez hd
- bionic commando rearmed
- dance dance revolution titles
- prince of persia?
- goldeneye
- resident evil 2
- zelda (in gold, yup)
- perfect dark
- star fox
- ddr konamix
- roll cage
- dino crisis
- final fantasy 5/6
- final fantasy 7
- final fantasy 9
- super mario bros/duckhunt
- monopoly
- supermario bros 3
- tetris
- metroid
- double dragon 3
- dragon warrior
- galaga