Friday, May 9, 2008

Vista Versus XP

Well my little Snowflakes,
It appears as if I must once again, turn this from a blog about my life into a place to vent my opinion.

Earlier today, I came across an article{B5F4CAC3-CDC8-488A-8849-6883D5C78053}&dist=MostReadHome

It's called, "Microsoft Should Nuke Vista instead of Windows XP."

Now, I don't work for Microsoft, I am however one of those technical experts who studies these sort of things.

here's a quote from the article..

I called up H-P myself and asked if I could buy a PC with XP instead of Vista. "Why would you want to do that?" the sales representative asked.
"Because everyone I know who uses Vista hates it, including a former IBM executive," I said. "And if computer geeks and developers don't even like it, why should consumers?" The sales rep went on extolling the virtues of Vista.
I finally told him I really did not want a PC with Vista. The salesperson said that I needed to stop listening to "amateurs" and read some real reviews. (H-P should be proud; this guy really has drunk the Vista Kool-Aid.)

Despite the sales reps obvious ineptitude ("Why would you want to do that?"), the womans point isn't valid at all. Just because there are people who hate it, doesn't mean it's bad. Ever consider that the reason people hate it, is because they don't like change? I've been using vista for about a month now, and yes, it's a big change. How things are done, and all sorts of other little bits, don't make sense, coming from an expectation that it should be like Windows XP.

But it's not Windows XP, it's a completely different operating system all together. If anyone hates Windows Vista, it's not because it's bad. It's because their expectations are not feasible. It's like saying "I hate linux." because it doesn't run Microsoft Office 2007 or because someone didn't develop a driver for a specific piece of hard ware.

Vista as an operating system is just fine. It's not a complete and utter failure. The real issue here, isn't how "bad" vista is, but how unreasonable Microsofts customers are being.

I admit, when I first got my hands on Vista, I didn't like it either. All the tricks I knew had changed, it had gotten so more complex to me. I couldn't even find simple things like the Network Connections, or a Run window!

After some hands on time with the operating system, I'm not a convert. I still very much love my Windows XP. However I don't hate Vista anymore. I'm comfortable with it.

Someone might ask me;
Why is there such a backlash now? how come it isn't like the other times Microsoft updated it's operating system?

To which I would reply;
Because, we've had Windows XP for a long time. After Windows 95, it wasn't long before Windows 98 came out, and then again for Windows ME and 2k, and shortly after came XP. Back in 2001. XP has been THE operating system for more than Five years, longer than any other Operating System released by microsoft.

We just got used to doing things a certain way. For many of us, the computer was no longer a mystical, magical beast, because with the time we spent with it, the more we got to understand it. Vista is not only new, it's different. Ignorant people tend to fear or hate different things, because they don't understand it. Am I calling every one who hates Vista ignorant? No, I'm calling every one who doesn't understand, ignorant.

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